Latest News
Thank you!
Some amazing people are keen to share in this event, read on :
Thank you to the Land owners firstly, as with out them the event would not be possible, they have been most generous and we have worked in around avoiding the 'roar' so that we can travel safely.
The Canterbury Clydesdale Club has offered to transport our VIPs from Okuku Country Estate to the Cemetery and return.
Thank you to Alan Vliet Vlieland and members who will ride as escort on Ride 2 and lead the trail.
Big THANK YOU to Corey Argue St John Mounted Medic and Equestriam Team Leader and Dave Thomas manager, for allowing the St Johns Mounted Medics to join us and keep us all safe, free of charge.
The St John Mounted Medic Unit has nostalgic ties with the 5th Earl of Ranfurly the Gover-General of New Zealand from 1897 to 1904. In 1898 he became a Honoraray Colonel and 1st South Canterbury Mounted Rifles (1902). (1905) the 5th Earl of Ranfurly returned to England he soon devoted more of his time to one of his great intrests, the Order of St John of Jerusalem. In (1915-1919) he became the Director of Ambulance Department of London. With his continued associaition within the Order of St John he was awarded the Bailiff Grand Cross in (1926)
It is an honour to be apart of this event and to repersent St John and pay our respect to the WW1 horses and the 5th Earl of Ranfurly.
For public safety there will be four mounted riders and both Pauline King St Johns on foot and
Dr. Jo Macgregor from Pegasus Medical Centre on hand. A huge thank you!
Stephanie Skjoldebrand has designed our fabulous logo and registration form, with a plan to design a t-shirt. She has been extremely patient as ideas have been trialled. Thank you.
Leendert Van Ginkel also equally as patient while designing our website. Thank you.
RJ CIVIL are providing Traffic Management Plans and a 10,000l water tank for extra supplies. Thanks guys.
Top Wire Contracting c/o Wayne and Paula Summerfield have offered to cover transport costs of our Poet - Mike Boyd from Wakefield and our fabulous main speaker Carolyn Mincham from Twizel. Thank you
Adrienne Lamb from Loburn has offered to make tall wooden purple poppies as gate trail markers in memory of the bravery of the 10,000 horses. Purple in colour for animal bravery and valour.
Spot prizes for early entry are kindly donated by the following: get in quick
Farmlands (CRT) from Mcmillan horse feed c/o Tracey Moir, bags can be collected at Don Clarke's or on the day - your choice of feed option and discuss with the experts your best choice of feed for your equine.
NRM horse feed c/o Fiona Gillies x4
Balcairn Stock Foods c/o Kevin Gardiner and Jenny Parata with a new 'Balcairn Blend' feed x4
Fiber-Fresh horse feed of your choice c/o Kelly and Bronnie Scott x4
Winners so far are Ann Stewart, Diane from Loburn School and more - see our facebook page ....
Staff Sargeant John William O'Brien on his horse.
This picture is currently being painted by local talented artist Amy Sheppard from Rangiora.
It will be available for auction on the Guest Speaker Evening.
Registered auctioneer, Graeme Barber, will set a reserve and if not met, the painting will be listed on Trade Me.
Photo listed on the right is nearly complete as at 15 Jan 15
View our facebook page for updates.
Telephone bids are being discussed for overseas buyers.
Artist in action for WWI horses
Help needed please:
Adrienne Lamb is coordinating the admin team and we need names, addresses, contact numbers and emails of any one who can sit at a gate, put up a tent, collect toilet rentals- we need 2 more drivers, assist in decorating the hall, collect rubbish at days end, traffic control with the Lions team and a extra security guard for Peka's woolshed .
We are having a catch up with old friends and to make new friends at the end of the ride so come and join us or you are welcome to continue your ride over Peka's farm until 5pm
(note that this is the only area that alcohol is permitted and the after function is only for registered participants only - food will be available to buy).
We would love to hear from you as soon as possible to help our planning team.
email: with details and preferences or phone 3128889. Her grandfather is Major Grant in the photos shown on the front pages.
Drop off areas for the Registration forms if you are not keen to send via the postal service:
Saddlery Wharehouse c/o Trinity Palmer
68 Hayton Road, Wigram 8042
Don Clarke Canvas and Saddlery - c/o Kevin and Theresa Orchard
Main Road, Woodend
Rangiora Pharmacy c/o Sue Wyatt in Dispensary
120 High Street, Rangiora
Or post to Secretary Sarah Flint as per registration form. tel: (03) 3128456 or 022 0975407
Cat Auburn - ' The horses stayed Behind ' artist- tapestry - a must to see and share in
Wellington based artist Cat Auburn will be the artist-in-residence at Tylee Cottage from November 2014 to February 2015. Her residency project will focus on memory and mortality, reflecting on the thousands of horses who left New Zealand for service in World War One and never returned. Grief and the ways in which it affects an individual, a community, a nation – immediately and over the course of generations – is central to this project, as Auburn seeks to create a collaborative memorial to war, community and animals. She is asking horse riders from all over the country to donate a small clipping of full-length horsetail which she will then weave into flowers, in the style of a Victorian Hair Wreath, and create a large memorial tapestry with the many donations. Take samples from the underside of the tail approx middle finger thick.
Thank you everyone who has donated samples to Thereza her South Island rep!
So far we have collected over 100 tails from Nelson to Gore from Pony Club shows and Endurance Rides and A and P shows - thanks for all the support.
We have seen some fabulous South Island horses art peices on the facebook page. Stop date for tail peices is mid Feb.
Drop samples of to any South Island Farmlands store and rep Tracey Moir will collect .
Any old unwanted stirrups wanted please: we want to make a -
MOUNTED RIFLES STIRRUP FENCE along the new hitching rail. Please drop off to any Farmland store or bring on the 14 or 15th.
A huge thank you to our sound sponsors as we need good quality sound on the Sunday commemoration service day:
Pledges of $200 have been taken from:
Rangiora RSA
North Canty Vets - Amberley
SRB Saunders Robinson and Brown: Rangiora law firm
Tessa Watson from Quinovic Property Management - Rangiora/Riccarton
A neighbour combo - UK CARAVANS/private trust
Josh is a Sparky Ltd/Epona Downs Ltd
Amberley Lions Club
Professional Photographers for our event are Trevor White's team and Don Scott, all VERY experienced with a wide geographical area to cover -we look forward to great quality shots when there is just so much to photograph.
Looking for a camera team to film this historical event for archival purposes - please contact us if you are interested and able to gift us this skill.
Please share your films and photos of this event on our facebook page
WANTED -Nurses Uniforms and the red capes:
WWI Nurses uniforms or patterns. We have exhausted our sources and need to represent the women also. Any contacts then please contact Adrienne Lamb 3128889 or Thereza 03 3107626
Shelley Hunter has delivered "Tommy" from the racetrack to the Waimakariri District Library - a stunning bay horse mannequin, wearing a WWI saddle kindly loaned from Peter Dixon and sand bags from G Barber's collection. Thanks
Farmlands horse, yet unnamed, is coming to the event and so is "Nigel" from Clarke McKenzies stables.
Please note that our event is in FEBRUARY at Glentui as there has been alot of confusion re the second event at Waikari on ANZAC Day which is a must see also.
Best Wishes to Terry King and the team.
Land owners are preparing for us also.
Crikey Hendren has put round bales around a silage pit for safety and is mowing a lane.
Jim White is putting up guide tape to assist riders journey thru the lower garden paddocks.
Clare Hammond is growing poppies in a planter box for the AFTER FUNCTION but lets hope we get some rain first.
Rangiora RSA is selling beautiful special order WW100 ANZAC badges to buy in advance or at the service. Ian Thompsom the President has been an amazing support and consultant.
Poppies will be available to purchase by donation at the 3 venues
RSA National President of New Zealand BJ Clark QSM and JP has given both his time and advice to ensure
that the event is respectfully correct in its parade plan and has suggested a padre bless the horses who
represent those horses that were left behind in both the Boer War (8000 horses) and WWI
-see our MORE tab for his POPPY STORY -
...below are his comments from a site meeting 27/2/15:
Dear Thereza
Thank you for meeting with me last night to brief me on the Birch Hill Station WWI Memorial Ride. It is clear from your meticulous planning and enthusiasm that this is an event that the public should make every effort to attend. The sight of the horses, with many of the riders in period dress, will be something that will remain in the memory of those that are there. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the Guest Speaker Evening but look forward to being master of ceremonies at the commemoration service on
Sunday 15 February 2015.
Horses played an important part of our military service, particularly in the Boer and First World War and this is a fitting tribute to those amazing animals.
I am really looking forward to be part of this signal event,.
BJ Clark
National President
Royal New Zealand Returned And Services Association
More amazing people need grateful thank you's...
Blackwells Department Store in Kaiapoi have ordered 70m of ribbon to identify the registered riders from the general public.
Rangiora Saddlery - Karen Withell and Ken Wilson have given us a $30 gift voucher for a spot prize to get 'bums off seats' at the Guest Speaker night.
Florence West pledged $40 towards the costs of bringing the Timaru Clydesdales up to assist the VIPs thank you.
Joy White - Rangiora chiropractor - for both horses and sore horseriders has pledged $100 towards the transporting the Timaru Clydesdales.
Thank you to the team at FMG who will be on site or the day on 15 February 2015
to asisst with any queries re equine insurance. They are also kindly donating special
gifts for the children riding who are aged under 16 years on the ride. Thank you.
Mounted St John horses will be wearing a ceremonial cover
The public is welcome to wear family madals on the right shoulder
The public is also welcome to wear period clothing and uniforms
RANGIORA VETERINARY CENTRE is giving spot prizes for the guest speaker night and to child riders under 16 yrs on the ride
From left to right:
David, Greta, Elsie, Jacob, Isaac, Holly, Celia,
Renee, Amber.
Looking forward to Sunday,
hopefully we'll see you then :)